Chetak Group is a pioneer in Logistics and Supply Chain Solutions in India. We, at Chetak, offer comprehensive custom designed logistics projects and supply chain management services to our customers. Our highly experienced professionals at various locations in India ensure sustainable growth and development to enhance customer value and quality. We have set benchmarks in customer satisfaction and service.
At Chetak, we believe in sustainable development, which we interpret as growing our business in a socially and environmentally responsible way, while meeting the legitimate interests of our stakeholders.
We believe in taking an active role and responsibility in empowering local communities to achieve their ambitions. It is a disciplined structure, and promotes fairness, transparency and accountability, that enable us to conduct business consistently throughout our organization while remaining agile and innovative.
Chetak is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and is an integral part of our Strategy 2017. Therefore, we put our experience and global presence to good use to help people and the environment, striking a balance between our economic and social responsibility goals. “Live responsibly” is our motto for the Group’s. To achieve it we firmly believes that as a global organization there are three main areas that help us achieve our goal of ensuring that we leave the planet a better place for future generations.
The merger of above three activities forms the basis for Chetak’s Corporate Social Responsibility program.
Chetak affirms its commitment to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all its employees and ensures that its operations are carried out in a manner that protects the environment and community in general. Working safely and in an environmentally appropriate manner are conditions of employment.
Chetak has always been conscious of the implications of our business activities on the environment and as such, we crystallized this into what we call ‘think green - think environment’. Our purpose statement is as follows:
चेतक अपने सभी कर्मचारियों के लिए एक सुरक्षित और स्वस्थ कार्यस्थल प्रदान करने की अपनी प्रतिबद्धता की पुष्टि करता है और यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि इसका संचालन इस तरह से किया जाए जिससे सामान्य रूप से पर्यावरण और समुदाय की रक्षा हो सके। सुरक्षित रूप से और पर्यावरण की दृष्टि से उचित तरीके से काम करना रोजगार की शर्तें हैं।.
चेतक हमेशा पर्यावरण पर हमारी व्यावसायिक गतिविधियों के निहितार्थ के प्रति सचेत रहा है और इस प्रकार, हमने इसे 'हरित सोचो - पर्यावरण के बारे में सोचो' कहा है। हमारा उद्देश्य कथन इस प्रकार है: